Ministria e Arsimit, Shkencës, Teknologjisë dhe Inovacionit konkretisht Qendra për Profesione të Rregulluara, përkrahur nga…
Consultation Technical Workshop on the Report with ....
SQ SR On September 12, 2024, a crucial technical workshop was held at Europe House…
SQ SR On September 11, 2024, a key consultation technical workshop was held at Hotel…
SQ SR Consultation Technical Workshop on the Report with Recommendations for revision of the national…
SQ SR The “Consultation Technical Workshop on the Concept Document on Mutual Recognition of Professional…
SQ SR A Consultation Technical Workshop was recently held, bringing together key participants from the…
SQ SR Successfully, conducted the “Consultation Technical Workshop on the Report with Recommendations for Revision…
Training-of-trainers On Mutual Recognition Of Professional Qualifications For Civil Servants And Professional Organisations commenced with…
The aim of this Training-of-Trainers is to train national trainers amongst the civil servants and…
SQ SR Regional Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Exchange on RPQeo. Sharing the lesson learned and…
SQ SR Regional Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Exchange on Recognition of Professional Qualification Sharing the experience of Albania…
SQ SR The Support to Recognition of Professional Qualification – Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Exchange, stakeholders from…
SQ SR Consultation Technical Workshop on Action Plan for the Implementation of the Recognition of…
SQ SR Support to recognition of professional qualifications Initial 3-day Capacity Building…
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