Support to recognition of professional qualifications
        Initial 3-day Capacity Building Training
Day I: General system of recognition of professional qualifications
1.Welcome and opening of the training – EU Office in Kosovo; KE2 and Deputy Team Leader and the National Focal point for the project (MESTI)
2.Regulated profession (definitions; examples; professions covered by the Directive 2005/36 and professions excluded from its scope; freedom to regulate)
– SNKE Dorota Lutostańska
3.Proportionality directive 2018/958 (provisions restricting access to, or the pursuit of, regulated professions and requirements related to temporary or occasional provision of services; ex ante assessment; consultations; monitoring) – SNKE Dorota Lutostańska
4.Recognition of professional qualifications (general system of recognition – procedure; competent authorities, effects, use of professional and academic titles; partial access to the regulated profession) – SNKE Dorota Lutostańska
5.Discussion and summary of the first training day
Day II: Automatic system of recognition of professional  qualifications (7 sectorial professions)
1.Opening of the second training day – KE2 and Deputy Team Leader and the NationalFocal point for the project (MESTI)
2.Introduction to the automatic system of recognition of professional qualifications – SNKE Katarzyna Majcher
3.Coordination of the minimum training conditions for the sectoral professions(doctors with basic training; specialised doctors; dental practitioners;
specialised dental practitioners; nurses responsible for general care; midwifes; pharmacists; veterinary surgeons and architects) – SNKE Katarzyna Majcher
4.Discussion and summary of the second training day
Day III: Regulated professions covered by lex specialist and horizontal issues
1.Opening of the third training day – KE2 and Deputy Team Leader and the National Focal point for the project (MESTI)
2.Freedom to provide services (personal and material scope; examples; procedures, differences between general and automatic system of recognition of professional
qualifications) – SNKE Dorota Lutostańska and SNKE Katarzyna Majcher
3.Administrative cooperation (competent authorities, electronic procedures and access to information, cooperation) – SNKE Dorota Lutostańska and SNKE Katarzyna Majcher
4.Other issues (recognition of professional experience; European Professional Card (EPC)- SNKE Dorota Lutostańska and SNKE Katarzyna Majcher
5.Regulated professions covered by lex specialis (lawyers; commercial agents; trade in and distribution of toxic products and professional usage thereof; other professions – examples) – SNKE Dorota Lutostańska and SNKE Katarzyna Majcher
6.Discussion and concluding remarks on the training

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