Project 4

Client: EU project –CBC “Networking for Success” project

Strategy on Protection and preservation of intangible cultural heritage

Client: Municipal of Skenderaj

Local Economic Development Strategy of Municipality of Skenderaj

Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare

The provision of intermediary services for long-term job-seekers and disable people through On the Job Training and Internship schemes

Client: Ministry of Youth Culture and Sport-Dep of Youth

Professional VET training for youth and women on Furniture Assembling and Sales

Client: Women Center “Open Door

Drafting Organization’s mid-term Strategic Development Plan

Client: Ministry of Health

Health Education, Prevention and Safety and Health training package for youth

Client: Ministry of Youth Culture and Sport-Dep of Youth

Soft Skills Training and Coaching Package


Services for training Informal Waste Collectors and Monitoring collected recyclable “Dardania”


Occupational Safety and Health Campaign implementation”

Client: EU Office in Kosovo

Establishing Economically Viable Collecting and Packing Recyclable Waste Platform in Vushtrri as a Social Enterprise-EU funded project, in partnership with Vushtrri Municipality

Client: Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports

Providing professional training and coaching services on Strategic Planning

Client: Lattanzia

Support to Public Administration Reform

Client: Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and Lux Development and 4 Kosovo Municipalities

Youth Professional Training on the Program of CNC Machine

Client: European Union Office in Kosovo

SOCIAL INCUBATOR - Developing and Managing the Art and Handicraft Sector in Gracanica

Client: Municipality of Lipjan

Feasibility study and technical assistance to legalize the Lipjan Economic Zone

Client: Telecommunication Regulatory Authority os Kosovo

Drafting the Annual (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) TRA Working Plan and its Action Plan and Midterm Strategic Plan of ART

Client: Ministry of Trade and Industry

“Business Internship 2013”

Client: Municipality of Prizren

Feasibility Study and Market for two Municipal markets in Prizren Municipality

Client: Ministry of Trade and Industry

Feasibility Study for National Trade and Fair Centre

Client: Municipal of Drenas Skender Hasi

Local Economic Development Strategy of Municipality of Drenas

Client: Municipal of Drenas Skender Hasi

Local Economic Development Strategy of Municipality of Drenas

Client: IOM Mitrovica Municipality

Technical Assistance towards Feasibility Study and Legalizing the Free Trade Economic Zone in Mitrovica

Client: Municipal of Skenderaj

Local Economic Development Strategy of Municipality of Skenderaj

Client: European Union Office in Kosovo

Developing and Managing the Mitrovica Business Park

Client: European Union Office in Kosovo

Training and Coaching Services to Start up Entrepreneurs”

Client: UN DP Kosovo

Support to farmers and small family businesses in agriculture sector to write grant applications and support them on project implementation

Client: UN DP Kosovo

The Provision of Socio-Economic Assistance to Returns

Client: USAID/ Mercy Corps

Support for Kosovo’s Young Leader

Client: EC Delegation – Montenegro

Strategic/Interim Evaluation of EU IPA pre-accession Assistance to Montenegro (Evaluation 1) and Mid-Term Meta Evaluation of IPA Assistance (Evaluation 2)


2006 – ongoing

Consulting Services to Kosovo Businesses