two year technichal assistance project, implemented by WEglobal
target audience
Professionals may provide their services in another Member State on a temporary and occasional basis from their place of establishment in their home country.
The destination country may ask for a prior declaration, but they do not have to go through the recognition procedures.
This does not apply to professions that have public health and safety implications, for which Member States may require prior recognition of their qualification under Article 7(4) of the directive.
The directive provides for three
qualification recognition systems:
The general system also applies to the other regulated professions where access is granted to any individual who can demonstrate that he or she is fully qualified in their home country. However, if the authorities of the host country find significant differences between the training acquired in the individual’s home country and that required for the same activity in their country, they can offer the individual the choice of an adaptation period or an aptitude test. The professional experience of the applicant has to be taken into account when considering the imposition and extent of such compensation measures.
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