Preparing Albanian SMEs for the EU…
From October 2024 to January 2025, Prishtina REA, in collaboration with…
From October 2024 to January 2025, Prishtina REA, in collaboration with…
The project of ““EU Support for the Competitiveness of Kosovo’s ICT…
We’re continuing the Single Market Programme for SME Innovation, Opportunities, and…
Today, at Europe House in Pristina, key institutions and stakeholders gathered…
We’ve just started our 2-day workshop on “Single Market Programme for…
On January 25, 2025, Prishtina REA, in collaboration with the Chamber…
Prishtina REA, in cooperation with The Chamber of Hospitality and Tourism…
ECOLABEL Certification is an internationally recognized..
The project supports the growth of Kosovo’s ICT sector by providing…
Në kuadër të projektit @dc_vet.wb po pilotohet një modul trajnimi online…
Prishtina REA, e angazhuar për të ofruar shërbime të nivelit të…
Cloud Computing (with Microsoft Azure) po bëhet gjithnjë e më i…
Ky modul trajnim ka për qëllim ofrimin e njohurive dhe aftësive…
17 December 2024 The “Resilient Ecosystem for Empowering Tourism SMEs…
We’re thrilled to announce the official launch of Phoenix 4.0, aimed…
Today’s Info Session on ‘Business Opportunities through the Single Market Programme…
Join us for Workshop 3.1 on November 19-20 at the Business…
We're thrilled to announce that PHOENIX 4.0 was officially launched with…
On October 31, at Business House, Tiranë, this half-day workshop guided…
Workshopi I- Info të Përgjithshme mbi Mundësitë e Aplikim Filluam programin e…
Ministria e Arsimit, Shkencës, Teknologjisë dhe Inovacionit konkretisht Qendra për Profesione…
A new consultancy project, financed by the EBRD SME F&D in…
The “Consultation Technical Workshop on the Report with Recommendations for Revision…
We are thrilled to share the incredible journey of Pro Real…
Freedom to move and freedom to stay are two sides of…
We are excited to announce that during the KosICT Technology Festival…
Our team had a productive session, reviewing the project’s progress and…
The “Consultation Technical Workshop on the Concept Document on Mutual Recognition…
The project of ““EU Support for the Competitiveness of Kosovo’s ICT…
Thrilled to announce the successful completion of a 5-day Training of…
Today marks the successful completion of the “Testing Plan” for the…
As part of the Tourism for Future project, implemented by Prishtina…
Successfully, conducted the “Consultation Technical Workshop on the Report with Recommendations…
Projekti Tourism for Future, nëpërmjet Prishtina REA, Komunës së Pejës dhe…
The aim of this Training-of-Trainers is to train national trainers amongst…
Training-of-trainers On Mutual Recognition Of Professional Qualifications For Civil Servants And…
A recent e-ID Platform training session held on May 22nd, 23rd,…
The Peja Outdoor Tourism Festival, held as part of the ‘Tourism…
As a highlight of the Peja Outdoor Tourism Festival, the inaugural…
Projekti “Zhvillimi i Aftësive Digjitale për Ekosistemin e-Shërbimeve” si kontributë në…
Projekti ynë ‘A ka Zhvillim pa Regjistrim” synon të promovoj edhe…
37 young individuals from Mitrovica have achieved excellent success by completing…
We're thrilled to announce the establishment of the Kosovo Business Angels…
Women- Startups-Innovation LED Businesses – Workshop On March 28, 2024, the…
Tourism For Future – Eco-Label Certification Grant Award Ceremony The Eco-Label…
The Support to Recognition of Professional Qualification-Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Exchange The Support…
We are pleased to announce the publication of the grant award…
Tourism for Future – Eco Labels Accommodation Standards Awareness Raising Campaign…
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Workshop Highlights Funding Opportunities in Skopje The workshop…
The 7th Semester Certification Award Ceremony was organised to deliver certificates…
We’re excited to announce a series of Kosovo e-ID platform training…
Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications is an important part of the…
Prishtina REA dhe WEglobal janë duke implementuar projektin “ICT for Kosovo’s Growth ” si…
39 young individuals from Mitrovica have achieved excellent success by completing…
support UNOPS in strengthening institutional, administrative and legislative frameworks and practices related…
The project supports the growth of Kosovo’s ICT sector by providing…
The EEN2EIC Accelerator Fund is here to support you on your…
Testohet funksionalitetit i platformës Kosova e-ID Me qëllim testimin e funksionalitetit…
Kolašin’s Info Session: for ‘Eco-Label’ International Standards Certification Grants In Kolašin…
Training Certification Ceremony at Municipality of Kolašin Kolašin recently hosted a…
Peja’s Info Session: for ‘Eco-Label’ International Standards Certification Grants In Peja…
Prishtina REA, in cooperation with IPER Institute, Kolašin municipality and Gjeravica…
QA Manual Tester Ky është një shans për të ndryshuar të…
Ky është një shans për të n WordPress Ky është një…
EEN2EIC – Cross Border Cooperation ”Women-led and Start up CBC Innovation”…
Tourism for Future project completed training module I ‘ Sustainable Effective…
EfVET is based in Brussels and represents over 1500 VET Institutions…
The project facilitates opportunities for businesses to access funding, support, and…
Tourism for future- Project Monitoring Visit- Meeting At the most recent…
Mitrovica’s youth certified in WordPress and QA after 3-month program A…
Leading the Way as Consortium Innovation Leader -CIL & Local Node…
Luxembourg Trade Mission to Kosova- B2B Matchmaking event in Prishtina The…
Intervet Western Balkans – Ndërkombëtarizimi i Sistemeve të AAP-së në Ballkanin…
Intervet Western Balkans – Internationalisation of VET Systems in Western Balkan…
Tourism for FutureFuture – project Kick off meeting in Peja The…
Prishtina REA and Save the Children/EU Draft Social Services Plan for…
The CBC Montenegro-Kosovo “Tourism for Future” project aims at contributing to…
Ky është një shans për të ndryshuar të ardhmen tuaj, për…
Ky është një shans për të ndryshuar të ardhmen tuaj, për…
European business exchange programme - Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs ( is…
Our PR Communication Work Prishtina REA is an organization with a…
Intervet Western Balkans Project: Successful Mobility Program in Maribor, Slovenia for…
Digital Creative Solution Mitrovica HUB Training Award Certification Event Certificate Ceremony…
Do you develop Software solutions, ICT products and provide ICT services?…
The project of “EU Support for the Competitiveness of Kosovo’s ICT…
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